The Guth Gafa International Documentary Film Festival

is now inviting submissions in three different categories for this year’s festival which takes place at Headfort School, Kells, Co Meath on 4-7 August 2017.

The deadline for all submissions is midnight, Monday 29 May.



Irish filmmakers are invited to submit feature length documentaries on any human rights, social action and environmental issue subjects, completed since January 2016 and that have not yet been broadcast. Submission is completely free and online and the submission form can be accessed at this link:




Final year film students are invited to submit short documentaries –not longer than 15 minutes – on themes in the areas of human rights and social and environment issues.

Next Generation is a competitive programme, which will screen a number of shortlisted outstanding films from Irish film/media students currently attending an undergraduate or postgraduate film/media studies course in either the Republic of Ireland and/or Northern Ireland.

Submissions from recent graduates (i.e., within the last year), who made their films while still in college, will also be considered.

A jury of at least three attending industry experts and/or filmmakers will choose the best of these student documentaries and the winner will be announced following the screening of the shortlisted films at the festival. The prize for the winning entry will be a mentoring and shooting package, sponsored by Irish film industry companies.

To enter your film, please fill in the form at this link:




Guth Gafa is excited to announce the introduction of a new short form Irish documentary competition this year.  The Short Lens competition is open to all Irish resident (and Irish living abroad) filmmakers who are invited to submit new work not longer than 20 minutes, completed after 1st August 2016, which explore themes in the area of human rights, social and environmental issues. The winner will receive mentorship on their next film project from development to production, over the next twelve months, by esteemed filmmakers connected to the Guth Gafa festival.

To enter your film, please fill in the form at this link:
